Stretch marks on stomach upper thigh and stomach: tried microneedling?.

Stretch marks on stomach upper thigh and stomach: tried microneedling?.

Updated: 13 December 2023


Microneedling stretch marks is a straightforward, secure, and minimally invasive therapeutic method renowned for its effectiveness. While it was initially developed for skin rejuvenation, it has now gained widespread use across a range of applications, including the treatment of acne scars, acne, post-traumatic or burn scars, alopecia, skin rejuvenation, drug delivery enhancement, hyperhidrosis, and the management of stretch marks, among others.

Microneedling for stretch marks: every 9/10 women are satisfied

Moreover, over the past decade, numerous innovations have enhanced the original microneedling device, enabling its combination with other surgical techniques to yield superior results. Particularly noteworthy is its safety profile for individuals with darker skin tones, as it poses a lower risk of post-inflammatory pigmentation compared to techniques that harm the epidermis.

Stretch marks: how do they form?

Stretch marks, scientifically known as Striae distensae (SD), are linear skin lesions commonly found in individuals of various ages. These marks are more frequently observed in women and can be linked to several physical changes such as puberty, pregnancy, fluctuations in weight, obesity, and conditions that involve increased cortisol levels.

Rapid weight loss might lead to the formation of stretch marks when the skin doesn’t contract as quickly as the body reduces in size. This mismatch leaves extra skin without adequate space to adjust. Consequently, the surplus skin may overlap and press against other skin regions, causing stretching and potential tearing, which results in stretch marks.

Initially, these marks might itch slightly and display a pink to red color, leading to their designation as striae rubra. Over time, they often fade to a lighter, more atrophic form, known as striae alba. Although they may diminish in appearance over time, stretch marks are generally considered permanent.

White stretch marks

White stretch marks, referred to as striae alba, typically emerge after the initial phase of stretch mark development. In the beginning, these marks present a red or purple hue, known as striae rubra, due to the underlying blood vessels showing through the stretched skin. As time progresses, these reddish marks gradually lighten to a white or silver shade. This change occurs over several months or even years, influenced by individual skin characteristics, age, and the degree of stretching experienced. White stretch marks represent a more mature stage and generally are less amenable to treatments compared to the newer, redder versions.

Procedure of microneedling stretch marks

The procedure for treating stretch marks in quite variable from the conventional technique. Here are the steps to follow carrying out microneedling for stretch marks.

Anesthetic Application

The procedure begins with the application of topical anesthesia, which usually contains a eutectic mixture of lignocaine and prilocaine or tetracaine. This anesthesia is applied for a duration of 45 minutes to 1 hour to ensure patient comfort during the treatment.

Preparation and Treatment Technique

1. Preparation of skin for stretch marks removal

Before the procedure, the targeted skin area is thoroughly prepared with antiseptic and saline solutions to maintain a sterile environment.

2- Skin Manipulation

During the procedure, the practitioner stretches the skin using one hand while employing rolling movements in horizontal, vertical, and oblique directions with the other hand. This rolling is repeated five times in each direction

Treatment Endpoint

The treatment endpoint is identified as achieving uniform pin-point bleeding, which is easily controllable. This stage indicates the successful completion of the procedure.

Post-Procedure Care

Following the treatment, the treated area is moistened with saline, and ice packs can be applied to provide comfort to the patient.

Aftercare and Recommendations

Patients are advised to follow these aftercare recommendations:- Regular use of sunscreen- Adherence to sun-protective measures

Post-Treatment Effects

The procedure is typically well-tolerated by patients, with minimal post-treatment sequelae. This may include slight erythema (redness) and edema (swelling), which generally subside within 2–3 days.

Downtime and Resumption of Daily Activities

There is no significant downtime associated with this procedure. Patients can typically resume their daily activities the day after treatment.

Multiple Sessions

To achieve the desired effect on the skin, multiple treatment sessions are necessary. These sessions are usually spaced 3–8 weeks apart.

Long-Term Results

It’s important to note that the final results of this procedure may not be immediately visible. New collagen production continues for approximately 3–6 months after the treatment has ceased. Patience is key to realizing the full benefits of the procedure.

Is microneedling effective for stretch marks on breast ?

Here’s a list of common causes for stretch marks on the breasts.

Microneedling stretch marks men

Men, just like women, are prone to developing stretch marks under various circumstances. These marks typically arise during periods of rapid changes in body size. For instance, during puberty, boys often experience quick growth spurts that can lead to stretch marks. Similarly, sudden shifts in weight, whether gaining or losing, can stretch the skin too swiftly, leaving these distinctive lines.

Bodybuilders are also susceptible, as rapid muscle growth can stretch the skin, particularly in areas like the chest, arms, and shoulders. However, microneedling has proved its effectiveness in treatment of stretch marks in men.

Final Stance

Microneedling offers a viable method for diminishing the visibility of stretch marks, utilizing fine needles to stimulate collagen and elastin production in the skin. It’s particularly effective on newer, reddish stretch marks, though it can also soften the appearance of older, whiter ones. The process typically requires several sessions for notable results, and outcomes can vary based on individual skin characteristics and the severity of the stretch marks.

While generally safe under professional supervision, it’s important to maintain realistic expectations, as microneedling improves but may not completely eliminate stretch marks. Consulting a dermatologist is essential to assess suitability and ensure safe, effective treatment.


It is highly not recommended to carry out the procedure at home. Consider visiting your nearby clinic.

What is the cost of microneedling stretch marks?

The price of microneedling treatments targeting stretch marks can differ, influenced by the extent of the area being treated, the clinic’s geographical location, and the necessary number of sessions. Generally, the cost per session falls between $200 and $700. Since achieving the best results often requires several sessions, the total expense can be higher. For an accurate estimation tailored to specific requirements, a consultation with a skincare specialist is recommended.

Is microneedling effective for stretch marks?

Before carrying out microneedling for stretch marks, it is essential to find out the root cause of it. After eliminating the root cause, microneedling is proven effective with multiple sessions depending upon the severity of the condition.

Abeera Bhatti

Abeera Bhatti

Abeera Bhatti is a member of post-graduate research fellowship in Kansas State University and has vast experience in Nanotechnology. She is an experienced pharmacist and is serving the community since 2011, her recent research work involves, Currently working with Dr. Robert DeLong and Dr. Natasha Gaudreault for the NSFgrant titled, "Impact of Coronaviridae lipid, protein and RNA interaction on copper,inc, and their derivatives coated personal protective equipment surfaces and viralinfectivity". Key duties include initiating, leading, and participating in research collaborations. Leading the research design,for the NSFgrant titled, "Impact of Coronaviridae lipid, protein and RNA interaction on copper,Zinc, and their derivatives coated personal protective equipment surfaces and viral infectivity".

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