Microneedling Skin pen: FDA-approved device
Updated: 1 December 2023

Skin pen: A reliable microneedling tool
How Microneedling skinpen works for Collagen induction
Before carrying out the procedure with microneedling skinpen, it is essential to thoroughly examine patient’s skin for evaluation of open wounds and lesions. It is a transforming procedure to any skin problem if performed with care and proper guidance.
Microneedling skin with a pen is actually injuring it with microneedles to speed up the process of collagen formation. Before using Microneedling pen it is essential to take the patient’s past medical history and carryout the process step by step.

4 Steps guide on how to use microneedling pen?
Here are four steps, which makes you a pro in using the microneedling Skinpen.
Step-1: Skin cleansing
Step 1 is of micro needling with skin pen is to apply the numbing cream, apply pressure with tip of needle to assure numbness. The numbness stays on for 20 minutes, wipe the numbing cream with alcohol swab,the skin is now ready to take microneedling pen.
Step 2: Needle sterilization
The next step is to sterilize the needle and place it daccurately in the base of the pen. Make sure the pen has little slip, so that it stays on the skin.
Step 3: Start with Cheeks
After assembling the microneedling skinpen, start off with the cheeks because its less painful as compared to other sections of the face.
Step 4: Maintain gliding
Hold the skin tight, increase the speed likewise and start off with 1.55mm . Do not frequently lift the pen because the patient will feel the needles more by frequent lifting. Keep the tip flat to the skin.
Why hydrating gel is used on skin before microneedling with a pen?
The hydrating gel is applied right after the numbing cream because it reduces friction between the pen and the skin. It makes the process smooth, adding glide to the movement of the needle.
Is microneedling skin pen or other related devices FDA approved?
The simple answere is “YES”. Not only the device but the protocol to use it is also FDA approved. However, the users with special skin conditions cannot use it at home or without expert’s opinion.
How many sessions of micro needling with a pen are needed for better results?
The more unhealthy or uneven the skin is, more is the number of micro needling pen sessions needed for satisfactory results. With normal skin conditions, 1 or 2 sessions every six month is more than enough to trigger collagen production and to increase skin elasticity.
Is micro needling with a pen less painful?
Definitely, it s far less painful than the conventional technique. The sole reason behind it is the more control upon the speed of the device. The speed can be increased or decreased depending on patient’s skin condition.
What is the downtime of microneedling with Skinpen?
you are good to go after 24hrs. Most physicians claims that it is a device with no downtime but mostly users claims about minor inflammation and itching which settles within 24hrs with a gentle hydrating gel or a moisturising sunblock.
What is the cost of microneedling with a pen?
There are number of brands available in the market with a price range of $500-$5000. Every brand has its own specifications and comes up with a user guide.
Is microneedling pen safe to use at home?
These commonly available micro needling pens are actually safe to use at home because they do not go deep into the dermis and are minimally invasive.
Is Micro needling pen worth the hype?
The dermis thickness is variable, it is thicker on the cheeks and thinner on the neck ans likewise speed of the pen needs adjustment. This adjustments are better made by an expert in the field. The speed also needs to be adjusted according to thickness of the dermis in the forehead, cheeks, chin and other areas, which is quite a task and make the process less effective when performed at home. It is worth the hype, if you align with all these parameters respectively.
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