Microneedling at Home : 4 Right techniques to do it professionally. - youthfulneedles.com

Microneedling at Home : 4 Right techniques to do it professionally.

Updated: 30 November 2023


Are you considering trying microneedling at home to improve your skin’s appearance? While this DIY beauty treatment may seem tempting, it’s essential to understand the possible side effects before proceeding. Microneedling at home involves using a small device like derma rollers or pens with tiny needles to create small punctures in the skin, triggering the body’s healing response and encouraging collagen production. However, if not done correctly, microneedling at home can lead to various side effects that can leave your skin red, irritated, and even infected. Understanding these potential risks and complications is crucial to ensuring a safe and effective microneedling experience.

Microneedling at home can be fatal if it goes wrong.

This article will explore the possible side effects of microneedling at home gone wrong and provide insights on how to avoid and address these issues. Don’t let a botched microneedling attempt ruin your skin – read on to learn more about the potential risks and how to mitigate them. Stick around to discover how you can achieve the desired results from microneedling while maintaining the health and integrity of your skin.

What is at-home microneedling?

Microneedling at home refers to performing this treatment on oneself without the supervision of a trained professional. Many people are drawn to the convenience and cost-effectiveness of DIY microneedling, as it allows them to achieve similar results to professional treatments from the comfort of their homes. Performing micro needling at home requires

  • Careful preparation
  • Selecting the right tools
  • Preparing the skin before treatment and following proper sanitation procedures. Failure to do so can result in a range of side effects that can negatively impact the appearance and health of your skin.

The risks and side effects of micro-needling at home

  • One of the main risks of microneedling at home is the potential for infection. When needles penetrate the skin, there is a risk of introducing bacteria, leading to inflammation, redness, and even severe infections.
  • DO NOT FOLLOW ” The deeper-the-better rule” for microneedling at home; it leads to permanent side effects and worsens your skin.
  • Another common risk associated with microneedling at home is skin irritation. If the needles are not properly sanitized or if the treatment is performed too aggressively, it can cause excessive redness, swelling, and discomfort.
  • Additionally, improper technique or using needles that are too long can lead to skin damage, including scarring and hyperpigmentation.

Who should try microneedling at home?

Only try it at home if you know the accurate needle depth chart. Moreover, select the appropriate numbing cream, its side effects, if any and the proper hydration before needling. Another critical factor is to make sure the “gliding” of needles. It’s also important to note that not everyone is suitable for microneedling, and certain skin conditions or medical conditions may increase the risk of complications. Individuals with active acne, eczema, rosacea, or open wounds should avoid microneedling, as it can exacerbate these conditions and cause further damage to the skin.

What are the Common side effects of microneedling at home if it goes wrong?

Several side effects can occur when microneedling at home is not performed correctly or with proper precautions. These side effects can range from mild to severe and may include:

1. Redness and inflammation:

2. Swelling and discomfort:

3. Skin infections:

4. Scarring and hyperpigmentation:

Role of needle depth while microneedling at home

Improper technique or using needles that are too long can lead to scarring and hyperpigmentation. When the skin is damaged, it can respond by producing excessive amounts of collagen, resulting in raised scars. Hyperpigmentation, on the other hand, occurs when the skin produces too much melanin in response to the micro-injuries, leading to dark spots or patches on the skin.

How to minimize the risks of microneedling at home?

While microneedling at home carries certain risks, there are steps you can take to minimize these risks and ensure a safe and effective treatment. Here are some tips to help you minimize the risks of microneedling at home:

1. Choose the right tools:

Invest in a high-quality microneedling device that is specifically designed for home use. Look for devices that come with adjustable needle lengths and are made from sterile, medical-grade materials. Avoid using cheap or counterfeit devices, as they may not be safe or effective.

2. Prepare your skin:

Before treating, ensure your skin is clean and free of makeup or skincare products. Clean your face with a gentle cleanser, and exfoliate if necessary to remove any dead skin cells. It’s also essential to sanitize the microneedling device and any other tools you use to minimize the risk of infection.

3. Follow proper technique:

When performing microneedling at home, it’s essential to follow the correct technique to avoid causing damage to your skin. Start by applying gentle pressure and rolling the device vertically, horizontally, and diagonally across your skin. Avoid applying too much pressure or rolling the device over the same area multiple times, as this can increase the risk of irritation and damage.

4. Take care of your skin post-treatment:

After microneedling, properly caring for your skin is essential to promote healing and minimize the risk of complications. Apply a soothing, hydrating serum or moisturizer to help calm the skin and support healing. Avoid harsh skincare products or exfoliants for a few days following the treatment, as they can further irritate the skin.

Tips for safe microneedling at home

To ensure a safe and effective microneedling experience at home, here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

– Start with a lower needle length:

If you are new to microneedling, starting with a shorter needle length (around 0.25mm) is best to gradually increase as your skin becomes more accustomed to the treatment.

– Avoid sensitive areas:

Be cautious when treating sensitive areas, such as under-eye or lips. These areas can be more prone to irritation and damage, so it’s best to avoid microneedling them or use a shorter needle length.

– Hygiene is vital:

Always sanitize your microneedling device and other tools before and after each use. Additionally, avoid sharing your device with others to minimize the risk of infection.

– Be patient and consistent:

Microneedling is not a one-time miracle treatment. To see noticeable results, it’s essential to be consistent and incorporate microneedling into your skincare routine. However, giving your skin enough time to heal between treatments is crucial to avoid overstimulation.

What are the best alternatives to microneedling at home?

Suppose the risks and potential side effects of microneedling at home concern you. In that case, alternative treatments can provide similar benefits without the need for DIY procedures. Some popular alternatives to microneedling at home include:

Professional microneedling: Consider seeking professional microneedling treatments from trained and experienced estheticians or dermatologists. They have the expertise and knowledge to customize the treatment to your specific needs and minimize the risk of complications.

Laser resurfacing: Laser treatments can achieve similar results to microneedling by stimulating collagen production and improving skin texture. Medical professionals perform these treatments, which can be tailored to your skin concerns.

Chemical peels: Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which exfoliates and stimulates collagen production. Like microneedling, chemical peels can improve skin texture and address various skin concerns.

Topical skincare products: Incorporating effective skincare products into your daily routine can help improve the health and appearance of your skin. Look for products that contain ingredients like retinol, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid, which can promote collagen production and skin rejuvenation.

When to seek professional help if microneedling at home gone wrong?

While microneedling at home can be a safe and effective treatment when done correctly, there are instances where professional help may be necessary. If you experience any of the following complications or concerns after microneedling at home, it’s important to seek medical assistance:

– Excessive or prolonged redness, swelling, or discomfort that does not improve after a few days.

– Signs of infection, such as increased redness, warmth, swelling, and pus.

– Severe pain or bleeding during or after the treatment.

– Development of blisters or open sores on the skin.

– Any other unusual or concerning symptoms.

A dermatologist or skincare professional will be able to assess the situation, provide appropriate treatment, and offer guidance on how to proceed with your microneedling journey safely.

Making informed decisions about microneedling at home

While microneedling at home can be a convenient and cost-effective way to improve your skin’s appearance, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks and side effects before attempting the treatment. By following proper techniques, using the right tools, and taking good care of your skin, you can minimize the risks associated with microneedling at home and achieve safe and effective results.

However, suppose you’re unsure or have concerns about performing microneedling at home. In that case, it’s always best to consult a professional who can guide you through the process and provide personalized treatment recommendations. Ultimately, making informed decisions about your skincare routine is essential for maintaining the health and integrity of your skin.

Saba Saeed

Saba Saeed

Saba Saeed M.phil in pharmaceutical sciences., is a Board-Certified pharmacist with research expertise in Dermatology, Fellow of the American research centre in drug development and discovery, and has been an international leader in developing microneedles for different skin conditions for over 15 years. She played an important role in developing insulin loaded microneedles and later proved effectiveness of micro-needling technique in various cosmetic and dermatology treatments. She pioneered an online consultation center regarding effectiveness of microneedling and dosage of various substances delivered via it. She provided online consultation to a number of men and women which helped them in making right decision for their skin.She also worked on novel drug delivery system i.e. mucoadhesive buccal patches for delivery of drugs with narrow therapeutic index. She is recently working on 3D-printing of drugs and loading of anti-diabetic drugs on microneedles with Dr. Sohail Muhammad Arshad (Dean Faculty of Pharmacy). She has contirbuted alot in serving needs of the community and is uplifting culture of safety and security. She provides online consultation on various health related concerns and you can book an appointment directly with her to inquire about related concerns.She also worked on novel drug delivery system i.e. mucoadhesive buccal patches for delivery of drugs with narrow therapeutic index. She is recently working on 3D-printing of drugs and loading of anti-diabetic drugs on microneedles with Dr. Sohail Muhammad Arshad (Dean Faculty of Pharmacy).She has contirbuted alot in serving needs oft he community and is uplifting culture of safety and security. She provides online consultation on various health related concerns and you can book an appointment directly with her to inquire about related concerns.

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