Privacy Policy
Updated: 16 October 2023
About Us…
We are ambitious to uplift the quality of content that suffice the need of the community. We are dedicated to fill the aesthetic journey of our readers with a deeper sense of clarity and awareness. Our editorial team and writers are highly efficient and work in perfect collaboration with the healthcare professionals to respond well towards outdated or incomplete content. We highly appreciate your feedback and your concerns are genuinely answered by a team of professionals. We are always ready to update our content with suggested improvements and necessary revisions.
For sponsorship and advertising opportunities with youthfulneedles, please contact our supportteam.Your privacy is very important to us and is our first priority. We do not place any information you provide to us via this website on servers located in countries outside of the EU without your consent.
If you have questions, please contact us.Youthfulneedles is a digital publisher and offerpersonal health or medical advice regarding microneedling. If you’re facing a medical emergency, call your local emergency services immediately, or visit the nearest emergency room or urgent care centre. You should consult yourhealthcare provider regarding your medical condition. We can provide online consultation or recommendations for getting microneedling related treatments only.
We only share the data after our customer’s consent.
If you upload any image with location data, it might be extracted by the users. Please do not share any such data.
Artificial Intelligence
We have strictly align our editorial department to edit the content accordingly to human needs and to suffice the standards of health and aesthetics. Any content generated with the help of AI is strictly reviewed by our medical team and published after their approval.
Who we share your data with
we do not share our users data without their consent.
How long we retain your data
Website editor have the right to edit the comments you post on the website. However, users also have the right to alter the comments they posted. For registered users of our wesite, we keep the data to update them with the latest updates and newsletter.
About Youthfulneedles media
we are a prominent brand in the field of aesthetics. As a fast-growing aesthetic based brand, youthfulneedles helps empowering millions of people to choose best for their skin and feel rejuvenated.
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- For partnership opportunities with Healthline Media outside of advertising, connect with us.